

My advice for visiting Torres del Paine Park

As I write these lines, fifteen years have already passed since I discovered the Torres del Paine National Park for the first time. I won’t hide to you that my memories remind me of the sweet image of an unreal and wild park at the end of the world; with few tourists, but lots of guanacos and rheas at every …

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Chile, land of volcanoes

Chile is a country with more than 2,000 volcanoes (2,085 to be exact!), accumulating geographical and geological records. Along its 4,300 km, Chile is bordered by the Cordillera de los Andes, which stand as a natural rampart between the Pacific Ocean and the two neighboring countries to the east: Bolivia and Argentina. Chile has more than 500 volcanoes considered active. …

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The Licancabur Volcano and three Salars

Not far from the Licancabur volcano, as the crow flies, the Puna Argentina offers you a truly beautiful spectacle. Il était une fois une région désertique qui n’intéressait personne, pas même les conquistadores espagnols. Ils avaient donc dessiné un peu à la va-vite une frontière entre le Pérou, le Chili et l’actuelle Bolivie. Mais un beau jour, vers la fin …

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