During your trip to Chile, you will not fail to see some of these volcanoes. Observing them is already quite a spectacle. With a very good physical condition, climbs are also possible.

Volcanoes of ChileChile is a country with more than 2,000 volcanoes (2,085 to be exact!), accumulating geographical and geological records. Along its 4,300 km, Chile is bordered by the Cordillera de los Andes, which stand as a natural rampart between the Pacific Ocean and the two neighboring countries to the east: Bolivia and Argentina. Chile has more than 500 volcanoes considered active.

Here are some of the most emblematic volcanoes in Chile:

The Licancabur (5,920 m)

Licancabur VolcanoLicancabur is the emblematic volcano of northern Chile, on the border with Bolivia, and 40 km east of San Pedro de Atacama. Licancabur is an imposing volcano, with an impressive symmetrical shape. In its mouth, at an altitude of 5,920 m, lies the highest lake on the planet

Ojos del Salado (6,893 m!)

Ojos del Salado volcanoOjos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world and the highest peak in Chile. It would also be the second highest peak in the Americas, after Aconcagua in Argentina, in the Cuyo region, near Mendoza, which peaks at 6,962 m!… But there’s still a doubt with the Pissis volcano, not very far away, on the Argentinian side.

The Llullaillaco (6,739 m)

Llullaillaco volcano or Llullay-YacuLlullaillaco or Llullay-Yacu is the second highest active volcano in the world. Above all, it is the highest archaeological site in the world. In March 1999, a cemetery was discovered near its summit from which three mummies were discovered, the mummies of Llullaillaco. You can see them at the Salta museum in Argentina, I highly recommend it. These are the bodies of children that the Quechuas sacrificed to their gods, shortly before the arrival of the conquistadors.

The Lascar (5,592 m)

Lascar volcanoThe Lascar volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Chile (28 eruptions between 1848 and 2013). The Lascar volcano peaks at 5,592 m but, as it’s “placed” on the Chilean Altiplano, whose altitude is around 4,000 m at this location, its real height is 1,500 m (like many volcanoes of this region elsewhere).

The Llaima (3,125 m)

Llaima volcanoThe Llaima Volcano is one of the main and most active volcanoes in Chile. It’s located in the Conguillío National Park, in south-central Chile, in the Araucania region, at 663 km south of Santiago de Chile. It’s permanently covered in snow and ice. Llaima is known throughout Chile.

The Villarrica (2,847 m)

Villarrica volcanoDominating the city and the lake of the same name, Villarrica is a majestic, very active volcano. Located in the heart of the lake region, it remains icy all year round. The tourist town of Pucón is also very close. The Villarrica pours lava, ash and smoke continuously every day. Despite this, its ascent is one of the favorite attractions of travelers passing through the region, because from the top, the crater is impressive. You can go around it by walking… dizzying!

The Osorno (2,652 m)

Osorno volcanoThe Osorno volcano rises between Llanquihue and Todos Los Santos lakes like a white pyramid. This volcano overlooks the powerful Petrohué waterfalls and the Vincente Pérez Rosales National Park. It dominates a paradise region for hiking and various nature activities.

The Puntiagudo (2,493 m)

Puntiagudo volcanoA volcano that I really like… With a unique shape, recognizable among all. It’s the Puntiagudo volcano also called Cerro Cenizas or Cerro Puntiagudo. You can see it from afar, but few people go near it because its access is far from the beaten track.

The Hudson (1,905 m)

Hudson volcanoIn South of Chile, the Mount Hudson, in the Aysen region, is renowned for its very explosive eruptions; and although the region is sparsely populated, it proves very risky. The last eruption in 1991 was Chile’s second largest of the 20th century…

The Rano Kau (507 m)

Rano Kau volcano on Easter IslandFinally, a separate volcano. More like a giant crater 1,600 m wide! Emerging from the depths of the earth more than 2.5 million years ago, it is located southwest of Easter Island. The assaults of the Pacific Ocean have carved out high cliffs, transforming the volcano into a sort of citadel. At its summit are the remains of a village called Orongo, which was the place of ceremonies and initiations linked to the Birdman cult.

Would you dare to face the volcanoes of Chile?